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Discovering the Vastness

Guided Meditation: Discovering the Vastness

If you want to experience the genuine nature of freedom, then the first step in moving into this state of being is letting go of any conception or notion of who you think you are. To be free, you must become free from yourself first and foremost. You must give yourself the opportunity to set down the prison of image and identification that you wake up and put on every morning.

Genuine freedom, eternal liberation, means reemerging into the discovery experience - releasing conceptions of should and should not, of like and dislike. Giving yourself permission to discover your response to your environment in each and every moment. This is an attentional activity.

When you wake up in the morning, can you set down who you think you are? Can you attend to releasing the conceptions that you have been supporting for so long? When you give yourself this opportunity in presence, then you can find that each and every moment is infinitely unique. Regardless of if the activities are the same, your experience of them becomes deeper, your experience of yourself becomes deeper, and your awareness expands to encompass all of those things that are shut out when you are living in conception. “I am the one who likes this. I believe you should not do that.” When you stand in the eternalness, when you stand in the infinite, there is no such thing as should. There is what you do and what you are not interested in doing. And even further in, there is just what you do.

When you discover who you are honestly, then you no longer need to hold rules and regulations to navigate your realm. You are so busy discovering and delighting in the experience of the is-ness that you have very little interest or time in making declarations. There is nothing to declare. All false concepts dissolve - they fall away. You step into truth, and all that is meaningless goes up in smoke.

True freedom affords you the opportunity to be in a space of continuous expansion, and it is that expanded state of being that you are most interested in. But when you are distracted by conceptual images, when you think you must live up to who you think you are, you expend all of your energy supporting a false-self. It strips you of your joy, because even if your image-self would partake in the same activities as your true self, your experience of those activities is muted when you are in the false-self arena. You are not able to receive the energetic flow through you because it is all intellectual. You have removed all of your faculties and redirected your energy through a mind-game so to speak. And it is in this redirection that you cut off reception. You feel this.

You understand the sensation of feeling disconnected, feeling in need, believing you must do something or be someone in order to receive. And then the game gets bigger, and the shadow world becomes a shadow universe, and you get lost in the maze of seeking. Yet no matter how big the salary or the house or the car or the boat or the business or the title, that emptiness remains, and the seeking gets bigger.

If you would truly like to relieve yourself from the distractions and the sensations that come with the false-self, then explore releasing the self altogether. Do not declare yourself to be anything. In each moment, discover. You can get presented with the same question a million times, and in each and every moment, allow it to be a genuine question. Discover how you respond in that moment. When you are answering the questions that are presented to you, or the opportunities, based on concept, then there is not genuine experience in the moment. You have already moved on, or you are reliving the past. Never present to see who you are.

The trick of it is understanding what is distraction. What is genuinely available and what is the false-self or the shadow world. The way that you can discover which is which comes in your ability to attend in the moment. Do you have any awareness of your feelings right now? Do you even understand that you are in a body in this moment and that that body is giving you information? Do you have any access to it, or is there a barrier between you and your experience of you because your are living your mind’s concept of who you are? When you become willing to set that down, and you reemerge into full experience of all sensations, that is when color returns to you. That is when experience beyond words returns to you. And that need not be reserved only for those moments when you are standing at the oceanside or on the mountaintop. That can be accessible to you at all times, because the wondrousness that overcomes you when you behold something tremendous lives within you.

The vastness is your nature. You harbor this knowing, yet you find yourselves locked in the world of seeking not understanding why you can’t quite seem to fill that void up. But the call is always there, and it is an invitation to return to genuine experience outside of conception, outside of regulation, outside of declaration.

Stepping into discovery and stepping out of identity returns you to the stars themselves, connects you with the vastness and enables reception of the source that you already are. So see if you can attend to those parts of you that believe you must seek, and ask yourself, who is it that is seeking?


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